• Preregistration is required to place an order. Please allow one to two business days for registration approval.
  • Uniform orders should be placed at least 30 days prior to the class start date.
  • If you have multiple attendees, please submit each attendee's uniform order individually.
  • Uniform orders will be delivered to the ILEA Academy on the first day of academy class. IPI does NOT ship orders in advance.
  • Payments are accepted via credit card (website only) or by personal/organization check (upon invoice receipt). 
  • Orders will be invoiced after delivery; separate invoices will generate for the general package and the tactical pants. 

Total package price is $230.

After your registration is approved, please login and then start your order by clicking on the uniform package below. Tactical pants will be added in a separate step and will bring the package total to $230. One attendee per order please.

Products 1-1 of 1
ILEA Spring & Fall Uniform Package
Price: $152.02

    ILEA-Fall & Spring Uniform Package includes: 3 gold workout t-shirts2 gold t-shirts, short sleeved1 gold t-shirt, long sleeved3 charcoal polo shirts 1 gold sweatshirt1 pair black sweatpants2 pairs black mesh shorts2 pairs black tactical pants1 black cap1 black stocking hat

    Total package price is $230.